Thursday, September 1, 2011

XtraBackup Manager - Command-line Configurator Preview!

Over the past two weeks I have been working on XtraBackup Manager as much as I can and I'm pleased to say that the command-line configurator is coming along very nicely!

There is now a generic "xbm" command that will be the way to manage hosts, storage volumes and backup schedules as well as doing restores, etc.

So far I have built the volume and host management in and will begin work on the backup schedules next!

Once this command-line interface is complete, I'll work to document it on the project wiki on Google Code and it should be ready for public consumption.

Here is a little preview of how it looks in action - forgive the ugly wrapping…

xbm@mslvlxbp01:~/xtrabackup-manager$ ./xbm

XtraBackup Manager v0.5 - Copyright 2011 Marin Software

Error: Context missing.

Usage: xbm <context> <action> <args> ...

Contexts and actions may be one of the following:

volume [add|list|edit|delete] <args>             -- Manage Backup Volumes
host [add|list|edit|delete] <args>               -- Manage Hosts to Backup
backup [add|list|edit|delete] <args>             -- Manage Scheduled Backup Tasks
snapshot [list|delete]                           -- Manage Backup Snapshots
restore [local|remote] <args>                    -- Restore Backups

You may specify only a context, or a context and action to get help on its relevant arguments.

xbm@mslvlxbp01:~/xtrabackup-manager$ ./xbm volumes    

XtraBackup Manager v0.5 - Copyright 2011 Marin Software

Error: Action missing.

Usage: xbm volumes <action> <args> ...

Actions may be one of the following:

  add <name> <path>                      -- Add a New Backup Volume
  list                                   -- List available Backup Volumes
  edit <name> <parameter> <value>        -- Edit a Backup Volume to set <parameter> to <value>
  delete <name>                          -- Delete a Backup Volume

You may specify an action without parameters to get help on its relevant arguments.

xbm@mslvlxbp01:~/xtrabackup-manager$ ./xbm volumes list

XtraBackup Manager v0.5 - Copyright 2011 Marin Software

-- Listing all Backup Volumes --

Name: Storage Array 1   Path: /backup/xbm
Name: Test /backup      Path: /backup

xbm@mslvlxbp01:~/xtrabackup-manager$ ./xbm volumes add MyVolume /tmp

XtraBackup Manager v0.5 - Copyright 2011 Marin Software

Action: New volume created with name/path: MyVolume -- /tmp


  1. Awesome!
    Can't wait backup schedules implemented!

  2. So basically once you are finished it will have taken you roughly 7-9 calendar months to implement a pretty nice backup manager software, fully open source. Impressive!
